Market Hours/Information
Winter hours: 10AM-1PM (December-March)
Market Swag
The Farmers' Market has T-shirts made by TS Designs in Burlington, NC, and are made of organic cotton grown and sewn in NC. Keep your money in the local economy by buying a market shirt, and show off your favorite farmers' market, wherever you go in the world! All sizes S-XXL are available at market on Saturday for $20! Bumper magnets are also available. Be one of the first two people to find Ben the Market Manager and tell him the last three mayors of Durham. Otherwise, they will be on sale for $3.
Volunteering & Spreading the Word
Farmer Foodshare is rolling! The Durham Crisis Response Center was incredibly thankful for your donations and support, cheers to a great community! We still need volunteers for our FF donation station to be sustainable, as well as general market volunteers! Love food? Love people? Perfect. By being a volunteer, you can get to know our farmers and vendors even better, and get to understand all the goings-on in food and agriculture in the area. We need help with event planning, the donation station, market breakdown, marketing, community engagement, or you could probably even pitch me a great idea for what you could do to help the market and community grow together. You can email me at: manager@southdurhamfarmersmarket.org
Be sure to check out our seasonal recipe of the week at the bottom of the newsletter, and here on our Pinterest provided by our super, fantastic, equestrian, amazing community member, Rhiannon, as well as one of our new interns, Samantha! We will be adding more photos and seasonal inspiration to our Pinterest.
You are the community, and you know better than anyone else, where to find more people like YOU. Please consider posting this flyer in your work, favorite cafe, gathering space, or wave it in the streets, to spread the word about our market! Click here! (inverted the poster so there is not a ton of black ink)
As a reminder, please bring a reusable bag if you can. Big thank you from vendors and the environment. Thank you for being a part of the market, and for letting us be a part of your community. Remember to spread the word, and tell your friends to buy local.
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