Friday, January 14, 2011

Freeze Your Balls Off...really, it's going to be fun!

Yup...that's what they're saying because that's the actual name of the event.  Freeze Your Balls Off is a scooter rally that starts today and runs through the weekend.  Take a look at the website for the organization and at the itinerary for the event and a clearer picture emerges.

Organized by The Incriminators, a local scooter club that meets every other Sunday at Parker and Otis, the events are really meant for all comers...especially those on two wheeled vehicles. So, if scooters are a passion, or hanging out at some of Durham's hot spots with those who ride them is, then make your plans accordingly and be at The Green Room tonight at 8:00. The rally also has stops at Fullsteam Brewery and Tyler's Taproom over the weekend.

Oh, and dress warmly - the event is so named for good reason. It's supposed to be about 25 degrees tonight.

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