It is officially PUMPKIN time at the Durham Farmers' Market! Pumpkins of all shapes, sizes, colors and textures are abundant at the Market right now.
These pumpkins aren't just good for carving and decorating. Some varieties are really good for eating too. When looking at pumpkins, ask your farmer which ones they recommend for eating because flavors and textures differ from variety to variety. The pumpkin varieties that are best for eating tend to have a sweeter flavor and a smooth flesh. When cooked (and pureed), the flavor is absolutely phenomenal and works well in soups, stews, breads, cookies, and even pancakes. Cooked pumpkin freezes well so you don't have to worry about eating up a big pumpkin really quickly.
Speaking of pancakes, last night I made pumpkin pancakes for dinner (we are a big pancake eating family) and I found a great recipe on the internet for Pumpkin and Oatmeal Pancakes. If you love pancakes or pumpkins, I highly recommend this one. You'll need to make pumpkin puree for this, which couldn't be easier. For directions on making pumpkin puree from scratch check out this recipe
Another orange vegetable that is back is season is CARROTS! Last week, there were a couple of farmers that brought the first of their carrot harvest to Market. As summer vegetables continue to dwindle, remember both carrots and pumpkins will be around to enjoy almost all winter long!
Both carrots and pumpkins are high in Vitamin A and in general, both are really good for you. Growing up my parents always told my sister and I to eat our carrots because they would help us to see in the dark. I always thought that was a ploy to get us to eat more carrots, plus as a child, I was pretty excited about the idea of seeing in the dark. But, is wasn't just a clever ploy, there is truth in that story! Vitamin A IS good for maintaining eye health. Check out this article on about the connection between carrots and eye health.
Have a delicious, healthy week!
See you at the Market,
Erin Kauffman
Market Manager
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Upcoming Events
Saturday October 19th, 8:00-12:00 - Bull City Coop Tour! Coop Tour and Master Gardener Egg-sperts will be back with information about raising backyard chickens. Also, Chef Wendy Woods from
NOSH will be our special Chef in the Market tomorrow! She'll be demonstrating a yummy egg dish to celebrate the Coop Tour!
Saturday October 19th, 10-11am - Unveiling of Mt. Merrill in Durham Central Park. While the Farmers' Market is buzzing along, Durham Central Park, our landlord and partner, will be unveiling the first piece of the interactive play area on the east side of Foster Street near the Leaf! Check out what will be built this coming winter and spring! Read more about it on
Saturday October 26th, 9:00-12:00 - Beer Brewing Demo
The folks from Bull City Homebrew will be on hand demonstrating how to brew seasonal beers. They will be brewing Pumpkin Ale using Market pumpkins. They will answer your questions and you can even stir the pot!
Mark your calendars!! TUESDAY NOVEMBER 26th - Pre-Thanksgiving Market, 2-5pm! Stock up with your local needs for your holiday meal. Also, Fickle Creek Farm is now taking orders for Thanksgiving Turkeys.
Fresh this Week....
FRUITS: Scuppernong & Muscadine Grapes, Raspberries, Asian Pears, Watermelon
VEGETABLES: CARROTS, FENNEL, DAIKON RADISH, WATERMELON RADISH, Acorn Squash, Arugula, Beets, Bitter Gourd, Broccoli, Bok Choi, Butterbeans, Butternut Squash, Cauliflower, Chinese Cabbage, Cherry Tomatoes, Collards, Cucumbers, Delicata Squash, Edamame, Fresh & Dried Herbs (Basil, Catnip, Dill, Mint, Rosemary, Oregano, Thyme, Sorrel, Parsley, Roselle), Eggplant, Frisee, Galangal, Green Beans, Green Onions, Garlic, Ginger, Gourds, Jerusalem Artichokes, Kale, Kohlrabil, Lambs Quarter, Lettuce, Malabar Spinach, Mizuna, Mustard Greens, Okra, Onions, October Beans, Peppers, Potatoes, Pea Shoots, Pumpkins, Purple Hull Peas, Radishes, Salad Mix, Shiitake Mushrooms, Spaghetti Squash, Swiss Chard, Sweet Potatoes, Tomatillos, Tomatoes, Turmeric, Turnips, Zucchini, and more
MEATS AND EGGS: Rabbit, Beef, Bison, Chicken, Duck, Goat/Chevon/Cabrito, Lamb, Pork, Veal, Rabbit, Duck Eggs & Chicken Eggs
CHEESES: Fresh and aged COW and GOAT milk cheeses.
PLANTS: Bedding, House, and Flower Plants.
FLOWERS: Tuberose, Celosia, Gomphrena, Dahlia, Zinnia, Mixed Bouquets
SPECIALTY ITEMS: RAW HONEY, creamed Honey, Flour, Cornmeal, Grits, Baked Goods including Pies, Breads, Cookies & Pastries, Fermented Foods, Beer, Wine, Jams, Jellies, Pickles, Preserves, Wool
CRAFTS: Pottery, Jewelry, Handmade Baskets, Woodwork, Photographs, Hand-dyed Clothing and other items, Handmade Clothing, Goats Milk Soaps, Body Butters, Lotions, Yarn, Roving, and much more...
Produce availability depends on weather conditions