Friday, October 21, 2011

Celebrate National Food Day With Durham Farmers' Market

This Saturday, the Durham Farmers' Market will celebrate the first ever National Food Day which is coming up on October 24th. Food Day was conceived and is sponsored by the Center for Science in the Public Interest. The purpose of Food Day is to bring together people from all walks of life to push for healthy, affordable food the is produced in a sustainable and humane way. These principles are all in line with the spirit and mission of the Durham Farmers' Market.  So, in the spirit of Food Day, bring a friend with you to the Market this week.  Show them where you shop to buy fresh, healthy, locally grown food from the farmers who grow it.  To learn more about Food Day, visit   

The Durham Farmers' Market is a proud sponsor of the Bull City Coop Tour which is this Saturday, from 9:30-3:30. The event has been put together by Bull City Chickens; maps and information will be available in the blue tent on the Market's main lawn. To learn more about backyard chickens in Durham and healthy and sustainable eggs, check out these articles: Durham City Council votes to allow backyard chickens with in the city limits from the Independent Weekly and Gourmet's Egg Economics by Andrea Reusing

Fresh this Week
Fruit: Asian Persimmons, Asian Pears, Scuppernong Grapes 
Vegetables: Cauliflower, Broccoli, Kohlrabi, Asian Greens, Arugula, Beans, Longbeans, Beets, Butterbeans, Cherry Tomatoes, Collards,  Cucumbers,  Dandelion Greens, Eggplant, Garlic, Ginger, Gourds, Herbs,  Mustard Greens, Kale, Lambs Quarter,  Lettuce,  Okra, Onions, Green Peanuts, Pea Shoots, Peppers, Potatoes, Popcorn, Purple Hull Peas, Pumpkins, Salad Mix, Shiitake Mushrooms, Sweet Potatoes, Swiss Chard,  Summer Squash,   Tomatoes, Turnips,  Winter Squash, Zucchini
Flowers: Asiatic Lillies, Celosia, Dahlia, Gomphrena, Gladiolus, Lisianthus, Sunflowers, Tuber Rose, Zinnia
Meats: Beef, Bison, Chicken, Duck, Goat/Chevon, Lamb, Rabbit, Pork
And: Fall Vegetable Seedlings, Honey, Chicken and Duck Eggs, Flour, Yellow & White Cornmeal, Grits, Pecans, Wines, Fresh and Aged Goats and Cows Milk Cheeses, Baked Goods, Chocolates, Pasta, Beer, Wine, Jams, Jellies, Pickles, Preserves, Wool, Landscaping Plants
Crafts: Hand-dyed Clothes, Jewelery, Baskets, Pottery, Stained Glass Art, Woodwork, Photographs, Soaps and much more

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