Wednesday, April 17 from 6:30-8:30 PM a Small Business Networking & Pay-It-Forward Event will be held at Bull City Coworking, 112 S. Duke St. Ste. 6 in Downtown Durham. Click here to register.
This event is free & open to the public, and is an opportunity to connect with small business owners in the community, share ideas, and find ways to collaborate and work together. Light refreshments will be served.
At this event, each attendee will be asked to provide a service free of charge to one other individual or local business. This could be anything from help with a business’s website or social media account, to 30 minutes of advice in an area of expertise, to doing something nice for another individual. It could be as simple as “mowing the lawn one time for someone in Old North Durham”, or bringing coffee to someone’s office, but there’s no limit to what can be offered. Both individuals and small businesses are welcome to participate.
Offers must be registered in advance using this form. Each offer will be pasted to an envelope and taped to a big wall at the event. All guests will be allowed to browse the “service offers” and leave their name or business card in as many as three of the offer envelopes. At the end of the evening, everyone takes their envelopes home and contacts the people inside to deliver their service. By accepting this free service, the individual recipient is silently promising to “pay it forward” by offering unsolicited help or favors to someone else in our community.
The goal with this event is to connect local businesses with services that they need, and for businesses to collaborate and help one another. There will also be a $100 prize for the most unusual and creative service offered, courtesy of The Durham News.
For more information about Durham, NC visit online.
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